
简介:6Degrees is a late night university drama set in Belfast. The series follows six freshers arriving from throughout the UK and Ireland as they crash through their first term at university. Descending on Belfast, the lives of Jess (Georgia Maguire), Danny (Niall Wright), Conor (Cillian O'Sullivan), Sandie (Jayne Wisener), Leech (Ryan McParland) and Eva (Jamie Lee O'Donnell), are about to change forever. In a city with no limits, they're breaking away from everything they've known and are here to make their ma……


  • 爱奇艺已完结
  • 美国已完结
  • 东方娱乐频道已完结
  • 上海电视台]新闻综合频道已完结
  • 全60集
  • 中国台湾已完结
  • 已完结
  • 台湾电视台已完结
